Online LPM Library

NextGenLPM > Online LPM Library

Online LPM Library

NextGenLPM’s online LPM library helps law firms and law departments accelerate LPM progress and increase profitability and efficiency.  With over 180 cutting-edge tools, our online LPM library is an unmatched resource of best practices. Instead of paying to reinvent the wheel, organizations can start from a proven foundation that has helped thousands of lawyers.

Whether it’s planning a bid, defining scope for a new matter, improving client communication, or improving efficiency in other ways, our online LPM library can help your organization increase value, efficiency, and profitability, on both hourly and alternative fee arrangements.  For more details, download a description of the online LPM library.

Who should purchase a license to the online LPM library?

The online LPM library has been designed to help law firms and law departments that are serious about launching or reinvigorating an LPM program or that want to accelerate their LPM progress.  This resource is ideal for organizations that have dedicated LPM staff available to publicize the library and disseminate the materials.

Short demo of NextGenLPM's Online LPM Library
What are the benefits of the online LPM library?

LPM staff, internal LPM champions, practice group leaders, and others provide lawyers with exactly the information they need to improve efficiency and increase profitability, exactly when they need it.  Lawyers directly access LPM tools from their laptops, tablets, or phones, whether they are in the office, at home, or anywhere else.

LPM staff save time and increase results by building their efforts on a foundation that has been proven effective over several years.  LPM staff can easily create seminars and workshops from the library, without having to start from scratch.  The effects of LPM initiatives are multiplied by helping LPM staff, practice group leaders, and others provide more lawyers with more help more quickly.

Relationships are improved when outside counsel and in-house counsel share online LPM tools to coordinate LPM efforts.

Please see our FAQs about the online library.  If you want to schedule a free 30-minute demo or if you want a free quote, please contact us.

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