LPM Coaching

NextGenLPM > LPM Coaching

LPM Coaching

The most effective way to enhance LPM behavior and build momentum within an organization is for motivated attorneys and staff to directly experience immediate benefits and then become internal champions who spread the word. The most efficient way for lawyers to experience those benefits is to work one-on-one with a legal project management expert who serves as a personal coach. Our standard program includes coaching for four months, built around a phone call every other week.  The precise approach is customized to each lawyer’s needs.  For more details, download a detailed description of our LPM Coaching Program.

If an organization chooses to coach six or more participants at the same time, NextGenLPM will provide a monthly report to decision makers at no additional charge, summarizing what each participant has accomplished to date, what is planned for the future, and what the organization should do to assure sustainability.  With six or more participants, we also offer an option of coordinating activities with a customized group workshop at the start of the program, presented by webinar or video conference at no extra cost.

Who should participate in LPM Coaching?

LPM Coaching has been designed for any lawyer or staff person who wants to apply LPM tactics to an active matter.  Ideally, organizations want to identify lawyers and staff who are motivated and open to changing behavior for this program.

What are the benefits of LPM Coaching?

Participants gain first-hand experience in how to apply LPM tactics to active matters to quickly increase profitability and efficiency.  Organizations gain lawyers and staff who have experience successfully using LPM on an active matter and who frequently become LPM champions and advocates within the organization.

For more information, see:

What to expect from LPM Coaching

Examples of Benefits from our LPM Coaching